Notes tagged kind/snippet (4)

Today I would like to share this snippet of a svelte store that synchronizes with a key in the localStorage, adapted from the fractils (Archived) library.

Some months ago I was trying to build a very simple JIT compiler in Zig. I eventually gave it up since building a decent one is quite a challenging task, even though I was glad that I learned a bit more about how a JIT really works.

Today I found out this little piece of code for executing a shellcode in Zig: I remember I had to ask how to do it since I couldn't figure it out from the stdlib documentation, so I will share it here in the hope it is useful to others.

Every time I need to produce a Python package I spend a lot of time searching for what should be put in a modern file, since there is so many old examples that still use distutils. I thus decided to put here a decent example of such file, in the hope that it is useful to my future self and to others.

Embed this Perl snippet in your bash scripts to configure files based on environment variables!