ParsingError = object of ValueError
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Position = object line*: int column*: int
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ParseState[S] = object source*: seq[S] pos*: int position*: Position
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ParseError[S] = object unexpected*: string expected*: seq[string] state*: ParseState[S] message*: string
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ResultKind = enum Success, Error
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ParseResult[S; T] = object case kind*: ResultKind of Success: value*: T state*: ParseState[S] of Error: error*: ParseError[S]
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Parser[S; T] = ParseState[S] -> ParseResult[S, T]
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EitherKind = enum Result, Exception
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Either[R; E] = object case kind*: EitherKind of Result: value*: R of Exception: error*: E
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ParseOut[S; T] = object result*: T rest*: seq[S]
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Unit = tuple[]
Source EditUnit is a void-like type that eof returns, because void exposes some "edge cases" in the compiler.
letter: Parser[char, char] = satisfy(isAlphaAscii, @["letter"])
- letter matches ascii letter a-zA-Z. Source Edit
digit: Parser[char, char] = satisfy(isDigit, @["digit"])
- digit matches ascii digits 0-9. Source Edit
unit: Unit = ()
- unit is the only inhabitant of the Unit type. Source Edit
anyChar: Parser[char, char] = satisfy(proc (t: char): bool = result = true, @["anychar"])
- anyChar matches any character Source Edit
proc newline(S: typedesc): S:type {...}{.inline.}
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proc err[S, T](R: type ParseResult[S, T]; x: auto): R:type {...}{.inline.}
- Set the result to an error. Source Edit
proc ok[S, T](R: type ParseResult[S, T]; state: ParseState[S]; value: T): R:type {...}{. inline.}
- Set the result to a Success Source Edit
proc isOk[S, T](res: ParseResult[S, T]): bool {...}{.inline.}
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proc isErr[S, T](res: ParseResult[S, T]): bool {...}{.inline.}
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proc next[S](state: ParseState[S]): ParseState[S] {...}{.inline.}
- Advances the parse state by a single character Source Edit
proc parse[S, T](parser: Parser[S, T]; source: seq[S]): Either[ParseOut[S, T], ParseError[S]] {...}{.inline.}
- Applies a given parser to the source and returns an Either type. Source Edit
proc debugParse[T](parser: Parser[char, T]; source: string): string {...}{.inline.}
- Used for debugging, returns a string of a tuple Source Edit
proc parseOrRaise[T](parser: Parser[char, T]; source: string): T {...}{. raises: [ParsingError].}
- parseOrRaise either returns the parsed element or raises an exception Source Edit
proc ch(ch: char): Parser[char, char] {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
- ch matches a single character. Source Edit
proc eof[S](): Parser[S, Unit] {...}{.inline.}
- eof matches only the end of the input sequence, and in this case returns unit. Source Edit
proc failure[S, R](): Parser[S, R] {...}{.inline.}
- failure is a parser that always fails and returns an error Source Edit
proc ifthenelse[S, R](condition: Parser[S, bool]; iftrue: Parser[S, R]; iffalse: Parser[S, R]): Parser[S, R] {...}{.inline.}
- ifthenelse uses the condition parser, and takes one of the two branch depending on the parsed result. Source Edit
proc sepBy1[S, R, T](parser: Parser[S, R]; separator: Parser[S, T]): Parser[S, seq[R]]
- sepBy1 matches multiple occurrences of parser separated by separator. Parser must match with at least one occurrence. Source Edit
proc sepBy[S, R, T](parser: Parser[S, R]; separator: Parser[S, T]): Parser[S, seq[R]]
- sepBy matches multiple occurrences of parser separated by separator. Separators are discarded, and a sequence of parsers are returned. Source Edit
func satisfy[S](predicate: S -> bool; expected: seq[string] = @[]): Parser[S, S] {...}{. inline.}
- satisfy matches a single object that satisfies the given predicate. Source Edit
func optional[S, T](parser: Parser[S, T]): Parser[S, Option[T]] {...}{.inline.}
- An optional parser returns an Option type if parser doesn't match. Source Edit
func choice[S, T](parsers: openArray[Parser[S, T]]): Parser[S, T] {...}{.inline.}
- choice returns the first of parsers that matches or an error otherwise. Source Edit
func fmap[S, T, R](fn: T -> R; parser: Parser[S, T]): Parser[S, R]
- fmap applies fn to the result returned by parser Source Edit
func many[S, T](parser: Parser[S, T]): Parser[S, seq[T]] {...}{.inline.}
many applies parser zero or more times until it matches and collects the obtained result into a sequence.
To avoid infinite loops the parser stops (and returns an empty sequence) if the enclosing parser returns a result without advancing the state position.
Source Edit func `<|>`[S, T](p1: Parser[S, T]; p2: Parser[S, T]): Parser[S, T] {...}{.inline.}
- <|> is an infix operator that acts as choice between two parsers Source Edit
func pure[S, T](value: T): Parser[S, T] {...}{.inline.}
- pure returns a parser that always returns the constant value. Source Edit
func liftA2[S, T, R, U](f: (T, R) -> U; p0: Parser[S, T]; p1: Parser[S, R]): Parser[ S, U] {...}{.inline.}
- liftA2 matches both parsers and applies f to the result. Source Edit
func `*>`[S, T, R](p0: Parser[S, T]; p1: Parser[S, R]): Parser[S, R] {...}{.inline.}
- *> matches both parsers and returns the result of the second one. Source Edit
func `<*`[S, T, R](p0: Parser[S, T]; p1: Parser[S, R]): Parser[S, T] {...}{.inline.}
- <* matches both parsers and returns the result of the first one. Source Edit
func oneOf[S](possibilities: seq[S]): Parser[S, S] {...}{.inline.}
- oneOf matches a single element between those passed in the sequence. Source Edit
func oneOf(possibilities: string): Parser[char, char] {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
- oneOf for a string divides the string into characters and then uses that standard oneOf. Source Edit
func toSeq[S, T](parser: Parser[S, T]): Parser[S, seq[T]] {...}{.inline.}
- toSeq wraps the returned element from parser into a single-item sequence. Source Edit
func many1[S, T](parser: Parser[S, T]): Parser[S, seq[T]] {...}{.inline.}
- many1 matches parser one or more times. Source Edit
func `<?>`[S, T](parser: Parser[S, T]; name: string): Parser[S, T] {...}{.inline.}
- <?> gives a name to the parser that augments the error messages given. Source Edit
func canparse[S, T](parser: Parser[S, T]): Parser[S, bool] {...}{.inline.}
- canparse tries to match parser and it returns true if a match occurred and false on error. The state is reset prior to the matching, so that one can do canparse('a') *> many('a'). Source Edit
func `<*>`[S, T, R](prec: Parser[S, proc (i0: T): R]; next: Parser[S, T]): Parser[ S, R] {...}{.inline.}
- <*> matches prec and next and then applies the result of prec to that of next. Source Edit
macro parseApply(S: untyped; T: untyped; f: untyped; parsers: varargs[untyped]): untyped
parseApply uses the parsers one after the others and their parsed results are used as arguments to f. Here f must have len(parsers) arguments and return type T, while all parsers must be of type Parser[S, *].
typeof parser[i] == Parser[S, U_i] typeof f == (U_0, ..., U_n) -> T Resulting output: Parser[S, T]
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